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Lock rekeying for your office

01/28/2014 Back To Blog

You’ve moved into a new office and as the owner or partner of the business, and it is your responsibility to ensure that safety and security is not compromised at any point. The first thing on your mind is to get all the locks rekeyed as there might be copies of the old key in wrong hands. Office lock rekey is more than simply altering the tumblers in the present lock in such a way that only new keys can open the lock.

It is more complex than that and here’s how it is all different

- There are some doors in both big and small office spaces like the back doors, which cannot be opened by the standard equipment. Opening or rekeying such locks requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise, unlike other standard locks in the building, which can be easily rekeyed.

- Keypad locks, exit devices and technical hardware operate based on complex electronic mechanisms. This is different from residential locks which are operated in a fairly simple manner and this makes the job of rekeying relatively easy.

- The master key system operates in many organizations and if the company size is bigger, the system is more complex. Ideally a master key should operate on different lock sets and their characteristic feature is the set of locks in which they fit. In any given office lock system it is important to find the right cut for the replacement master key.

- All new offices have complex door hardware and before starting to rekey, it is important to understand how it works. Although existing lock cylinders can be rekeyed easily, door hardware is a different matter altogether.

-After rekeying is complete, make sure door locks, keys and related hardware are checked to ensure that they function well.

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Blog | Lock rekeying for your office